
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Discover My Well-Being Personality

I am a "Wishful Thinker."

About: Woulda coulda shoulda? I'm always making resolutions – trying to do more or to be better at looking after my health. I'm too busy or just not quite motivated enough. As a Wishful Thinker, my exercising tends to go in fits and starts, as does my healthy eating. There are so many demands on my time. I just don't have enough in the tank to really get energized - and stay energized! There's always an excuse on the tip of the my tongue!

Food: I do my best to pick the healthy food options and then find myself fantasizing about naughty treats as a reward for being good. The problem is that I still can't quite convince my taste buds that healthy is better. Old habits die hard. I'm caught in a cycle of sugar highs and cravings which is really hard to break. I'm a super busy person.

Physical: I'm a true Wishful Thinker!! I have grand aspirations for my exercise regime but the fantasy is very different from the reality. I like to imagine that I could be a super-fit super-charged fitness freak but it just doesn't come naturally - it's not in my blood. I would benefit from having a personal trainer - an external source of motivation and encouragement would really help me to stay focused and committed.

Sleep: It could be that sleep is the root of my difficulties with committing to a healthier lifestyle. It's hard to get enthused about exercise and eating healthily when caught in a cycle of disturbed sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you really are organized and on the ball! I haven't even begun to think about my New Year's goals. I'm just trying to survive this year!
