
Monday, September 14, 2009


I believe in miracles! Sean's spinal fusion surgery has been moved up to September 28. Meet one of the many miracle workers who will be attempting to relieve Sean's pain and help him lead a more comfortable life.......

Jacques D'Astous, M.D., FRCS(C)

Dr. D'Astous is a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon who practices at Shriners Hospitals for Children - Intermountain and is now the consulting staff at Primary Children's Medical Center. His particular interests include neuromuscular disorders, spinal deformities, as well as general pediatric orthopaedics. He is the Medical Director of the Movement Analysis Laboratory at Shriners Hospital.

The surgery will take place at Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. Sean will remain at that facility until he is well enough to leave the intensive care unit. Then we hope to transfer him to a smaller, quieter, more familiar facility - Shriner's Hospital Intermountain, also located in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Shriners Hospitals for Children depends on the generosity of donors to deliver its care.

Why does Shriners Hospitals need donations?

Shriners Hospitals:
  • is a 501(c )(3) charitable organization
  • does not charge patients or their families for the services they deliver
  • does not charge insurance companies for the patient care they deliver
  • does not rely on U.S. government funding
  • serves many children with complex and chronic conditions requiring years of treatment
  • provides additional services like transportation and accommodations to children who need it
  • has treated more than 835,000 children
  • conducts research that changes the lives of children throughout the world
  • educates thousands of physicians and clinicians in the treatment of orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injury, and cleft lip and palate
Shriners Hospitals reaches out to individuals, foundations, and organizations who want to help Shriners Hospitals for Children through current donations or planned gifts, such as leaving a gift in a will.

Shriners Hospitals for Children rely on the generosity of many individuals and organizations for the funding needed to continue operating this extraordinary philanthropy.

Make a gift today


  1. Sept. 28th huh! We'll make sure to keep our prayers strong and tell Sean how much we love him on that day even thuogh we can't be there!
