
Saturday, July 31, 2010


I read nightlight: a parody this month and shared it with as many people as I could.

About three things I was absolutely certain.

First, Edwart was most likely my soul mate, maybe.

Second, there was a vampire part of him - which I assumed was wildly out of his control - that wanted me dead.

And third, I unconditionally, irrevocably, impenetrably, heterogeneously, and disreputably wished he had kissed me.

Want to read more of this romance, danger, insufficient parental guardianship, creepy stalkerlike behavior, and a vampire prom? You can read the first chapter here

There are also funny parody videos on YouTube if you need more.

Yes, it's juvenile. You've been warned.

{The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane}

Sean and I read this book together this month.

Once, there was a china rabbit who was loved by a little girl. The rabbit went on an ocean journey and fell overboard and was rescued by a fisherman. He was buried under garbage and unburied by a dog. He traveled for a long time with the hoboes and worked for a short time as a scarecrow.

Once, there was a rabbit who loved a little girl and watched her die.

The rabbit danced on the streets of Memphis. His head was broken open in a diner and was put together again by a doll mender.

And the rabbit swore that he would not make the mistake of loving again.

Once there was a rabbit who danced in a garden in springtime with the daughter of the woman who had loved him at the beginning of his journey. The girl swung the rabbit as she danced in circles. Sometimes, they went so fast, the two of them, that it seemed as if they were flying. Sometimes, it seemed as if they both had wings.

Once, oh marvelous once, there was a rabbit who found his way home.

To learn more visit


West Desert

Antelope Island


Stansbury Island

Great Salt Lake


Stansbury Park

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

{guest blogger: julie morton from princess piggies}

ABOUT ME: Julie Morton
I'm a stay-at-home mommy to 3 princes and 1 princess. I love doing hair and making hair accessories. (I'm by no means a professional, I just do it for fun.) My sweet niece is visiting for a few weeks and she wanted a change with her hair. We decided to try the Herbal Essence Highlights kit.

She was so brave to let her less-than-qualified aunt attempt this on her.

She wanted some lighter streaks throughout her hair so this is how we did it. We left it in for 30 minutes and then washed everything out.

I should have taken a before picture but she went from being all light brown to having subtle streaks of blonde.

It looks great with her skin tone.

I like that it's still a bit darker underneath but is all fun and "summer-y" on top.

It's always fun to have a change and I think she looks beautiful!